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Hunger Report 2019: Ontario’s Changing Employment Landscape and Its Impact on Food Bank Use

novembre 26, 2019

Man in a pinstriped shirt stands with arms crossed in an industrial setting with green machinery in the background.

Report Highlights

  • 510,438 people accessed a food bank last year alone, an increase of 8,848 people over the previous year
  • These individuals visited more than 3 million times throughout the year, an increase of 4% over the previous year
  • Over the last three years, there has been a 27 percent increase in the proportion of adults with employment income accessing Ontario’s food banks
  • Feed Ontario believes that this is a result of a number of changes to Ontario’s workforce, including: changes to types of jobs available to working-age adults, changes to Ontario’s labour laws, and changes to Ontario’s social assistance and worker support programs.

Recommendations for Change

  1. Close the gap between social assistance rates and Ontario’s Market Basket Measure Le lien ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre: The insufficient support provided by Ontario’s social assistance programs and government benefits often perpetuate poverty and makes it even more difficult for individuals and families to break the cycle.
  2. Retain the current definition of disability under the Ontario Disability Support Program: Restrictive reforms limiting access to ODSP will push people with disabilities into deeper poverty, increase stress, lead to worse health outcomes and possible homelessness. (En savoir plus)
  3. Invest in affordable housing and a portable housing benefit: With over 87 percent of Ontario’s food bank clients being rental or social housing tenants, affordable housing options are essential to addressing poverty. (En savoir plus)


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You can help #FeedChange and support people in need across Ontario by sharing the findings of Hunger Report 2019 and Feed Ontario’s recommendations for change!

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En savoir plus

If you are interested in learning more about hunger and poverty in Ontario, please see below for more recently released reports by Feed Ontario:

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