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Collaboration en matière d'alimentation

In partnership with The Food Bank of Waterloo Region and Food Banks Mississauga, Feed Ontario is piloting a new, collaborative approach to sourcing much needed food resources to help keep food bank shelves full.


À propos du programme

Feed Collaboration originally launched in 2022 in partnership with The Food Banks of Waterloo Region in response to an increased demand for emergency food support across the province. Using a local-first model, food bank organizations at the local, regional, and provincial level work together to grow food resources for the network.

In 2023, Feed Ontario expanded the pilot to a secondary location, in partnership with Food Banks Mississauga, to leverage opportunities in urban centers. This pilot follows the same local-first model and shared goal of ultimately growing food resources for food banks across the province.

By leveraging the capacity and skills at each level of the network, this collaborative approach allows new and existing food donors to support both their local food bank and food banks across the province in one easy donation. Donations first fulfill the needs of the local food bank and additional resources will then be directed to communities in need across Ontario, ensuring nothing goes to waste.

By the numbers

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levels of the network working collaboratively to bring more food to those who need it most.

million lb.
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of fresh and non-perishable food rescued in 2023 so far.


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new food partners committed to supporting food banks across Ontario.


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“We’re proud to partner with Feed Ontario on innovative initiatives such as Feed Collaboration. This program facilitates surplus food donations from producers and distributors that are redistributed to help food banks across southwestern Ontario feed communities. When food assistance providers and industry partners work together, we can create efficiencies and solutions that drive change in our collective desire to end hunger in Ontario."

Kim Wilhelm, CEO, Food Bank of Waterloo Region

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“We're excited to participate in Feed Collaboration with Feed Ontario, to come together and leverage our food-sourcing relationships to get more food to those who need it most. By joining this initiative, we can support our immediate network of 60+ agency members and ensure that resources are shared across the wider GTA food bank community to feed even more neighbours in need. It enables us to collectively work together towards a common goal of food security for all.”

Meghan Nicholls, CEO, Food Banks Mississauga

De la banque alimentaire à la fourchette

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Comment les dons alimentaires circulent-ils dans notre réseau ?

Les dons à grande échelle d'aliments de longue conservation ou d'aliments frais et congelés sont un moyen important par lequel Feed Ontario aide à garder les étagères des banques alimentaires pleines. Renseignez-vous sur la façon dont les dons d'aliments circulent dans notre réseau pour faire en sorte que tous les Ontariens aient accès à des aliments sains et nutritifs.

Support this program

If you or your organization are interested in donating food or funds to Feed Collaboration, contact Adelaide Wimpenny (Senior Manager, Operations and Implementation) at adelaide@feedontario.ca ou (416) 656-4100 poste. 2934.

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