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March 16, 2020

Feed Ontario is a province-wide network of food banks and hunger-relief agencies that are committed to serving individuals and families in need.

The provincial food bank network is monitoring information on COVID-19 on an ongoing basis, and is continually assessing the situation and implementing measures to ensure the health and safety of staff, volunteers, and visitors to the food bank.

In some communities, this includes extending hours to avoid crowding, altering services models to minimize contact and the time spent at the food bank, and providing extra food where possible.

It is important to note that food banks are not government funded. While they are working very hard to meet the surge in demand as a result of this complex situation, they are depleting resources much quicker than they are receiving them, and are very much in need of food and financial support to continue playing this essential role in their communities and across Ontario.

For information on your local food bank, please use our ‘Trouver une banque alimentaire’ function to find your closest Feed Ontario member. If you do not have a Feed Ontario member in your area, information on your local food bank can also be found at www.211ontario.ca Le lien ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre

Beyond emergency food support, people who access food banks are in need of the same essential support as all other Ontarians. Feed Ontario applauds the Government of Ontario for introducing legislation to protect workers impacted by COVID-19 and is calling on the provincial government to offer the same protections to social assistance program recipients.

We urge the Government of Ontario to immediately draft legislation to provide social assistance recipients with immediate financial aid, or a basic income, so that they are able to purchase the food that they need during this challenging time.

For more information:
Amanda King
Director, Communications & Research
amanda@feedontario.ca | 416-656-4100 x2932

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