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Feed Ontario Impact Report 2019-20

Together in 2019-20 we...

Delivered over
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meals to food banks across Ontario

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people across Ontario put food on the table

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visits to a food bank in Ontario

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organizations fighting hunger in our communities

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in innovative local programs and the network

Sent over
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postcards advocating for changes to social assistance

Delivering more impact to communities in need

A Message from Our Executive Director

"When I think of the past year, the word that comes to mind is “more."

“The [Feed Ontario program support] brought joy and nutrition to my children’s lives during hard times. Because of this program we were able to provide our kids with a feeling of familiarity that was healthy too!”


Who we are

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A united team against hunger

From securing fresh and healthy food sources, to driving change through policy research and innovative programming, Feed Ontario unites food banks, industry partners, and local communities in our work to end hunger and poverty.

A picture of a smiling woman handing a bunch of radishes to another person off camera


Our FeedON network provides adults, children, and seniors with nutritious food throughout the year, including: dairy, protein, and produce. Through the support of our partners, we distribute the equivalent of 4.7 million meals annually.

A picture of gloved hands handling lettuce in a garden

Feed Possibility

We Feed Possibility by providing food banks with resources to grow their capacity to distribute fresh food, to collaborate and develop best practices that drive change, and to develop innovative programming for people facing hunger in their communities.

A photo portrait of a smiling man

Feed Change

We Feed Change by researching the root-causes of food insecurity, raising awareness of hunger in our province, and advocating on behalf of evidence-based solutions. It is only through our collective action that we will end hunger and poverty in Ontario.

"The dedicated team at Feed Ontario has made it so easy for us to leverage our buying power and food industry relationships while making donations. We’re fortunate to be in the position to make donations and watching these donations go directly to those in need brings us a great deal of joy."


FeedON: Distributing More Healthy Food

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With your crucial support, our FeedON network provides adults, seniors, and children across Ontario with nutritious food throughout the year.

More nutritious food

With the support of our generous food, financial, and transportation partners, in 2019-20 Feed Ontario distributed more than 5.6 million pounds of food, serving 522,000 Ontarians facing hunger. That equates to 4.7 million meals and is 400,000 more meals than in 2018-19!

This year we continued to strengthen our commitment to fresh, nutritious food, by sourcing quality items that support a balanced diet for people visiting food banks. More than 76% of the food we distributed was fresh or frozen, a growth of 8% over the previous year. This included meat, eggs, dairy, fruit, and vegetables!

Fresh food

  • 2019-20

  • 2018-19

  • 2017-18

  • 2016-17


Food distributed by category 2019-20

Fresh Food Programs that support local farmers

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Image of a chicken

servings of chicken


CFO Cares logo with a red and orange flourish design above 'CFO' in orange and 'cares' in red text.
An image of a milk jug and a glass of milk

servings of milk


Dairy Farmers of Ontario logo
Image of a carton of eggs

servings of eggs


Egg Farmers of Ontario logo
Image of a pig

servings of pork

Logo of Ontario Pork featuring a stylized pig's head in gold profile on a blue circle, with the words "ONTARIO PORK" below in black text.
Image of a cow

servings of beef

Beef Farmers Logo

How FeedON works

Moving food across the province is not an easy feat. However, with the collective effort of our network of partners, volunteers, and organizations we are able to move more than 5 million pounds of nutritious food to all corners of the province throughout the year.



Food (including much-needed milk, eggs, meat, and produce) is donated to Feed Ontario by one of our many partners.



Food offers are sent to Feed Ontario food banks via our Smarter Needs Allocation Program (SNAP). Food banks request what is needed for their community.



With the help of Feed Ontario’s transportation partners, donated food is transported to food banks in every corner of the province.



Feed Ontario food banks in 128 communities across Ontario receive the donated food to share through their food banks, meal programs, and partner organizations.



Dedicated staff and volunteers at over 1,200 hunger-relief organizations share the donated food with 522,000 people facing hunger, who make over 3.2 million visits annually.

“METRO is committed to the communities we serve across Ontario and Québec. We were proud to answer the call of our long-time partner and be in a position to help Feed Ontario. METRO remains committed to onboard Metro and Food Basics stores in Ontario to our One More Bite food recovery program.”


Feed Possibility: Providing More Community Support

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With your incredible support, we help food banks feed possibility by investing in innovative programming for people facing hunger in their communities.

Food Rescue and Transformation Programs

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Farm to Food

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In 2019-20 Feed Ontario launched a brand new food transformation program, Farm to Food, in partnership with our member food bank in Windsor, the Unemployed Help Centre. Farm to Food rescues excess vegetables from farms and turns them into nutritious meals for people facing hunger.

  • 30 Farming and Food Producer Partnerships
  • 241,300 lbs of food rescued and transformed
  • 51 food banks received healthy soup*
  • 139,150 lbs of healthy soup distributed across Ontario*

*Not including soup distributed locally in Windsor by the Unemployed Help Centre

Bilingual Ontario Trillium Foundation logo

One More Bite

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In partnership with Metro Ontario, One More Bite provides food banks in Ontario with the opportunity to receive rescued fresh food from their local Metro-banner grocery stores to distribute to adults and children living with hunger in their communities. Following a successful pilot, in 2019-20 we began a phased roll out of the program in more than 30 communities across the province. Over the next year we will continue to expand the number of food banks and stores participating in this ground-breaking food rescue program.

  • 34 food banks rescued food
  • 157 Metro and Food Basics stores donated to food banks
  • 1,099,585 pounds of food rescue


Metro logo

Community programs

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Rural Kids Program

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The Rural Kids Program provides rural food banks in Ontario with funding to support the children they serve with community-specific programs, such as breakfast clubs, snack packs, or kids cooking classes.

  • 23 food banks participated
  • 227,000 meals and snacks served
  • 15,096 kids in rural communities served

Bayer Fund logo

Capacity Building Program

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The Capacity Building Program provides food banks in Ontario with funding to grow their capacity to accept, store, and distribute fresh food to adults and children living with hunger.

  • 6 food banks participated
  • 11 pieces of equipment purchased
  • 14,410 clients benefited

Gay Lea Foundation

Feed Ontario Together – Inaugural Symposium

In June 2019, Feed Ontario held its first provincial Symposium – an innovative one day event drawing on the power of working together to unite food banks and industry partners in the development of long-term solutions to hunger. The event engaged food banks from across Ontario in creative sessions to solve complex problems, including:

  • Open Space Technology to address issues of network capacity and the future of food banking in our province
  • Table Topics enabling food bank leaders to share with their counterparts from across Ontario about similar challenges and solutions
  • Workshops on engaging clients in the election process, partnering with grocery stores to rescue food, and operational support

Thank you to our sponsors!

A group of people stand in front of large sheets of paper on a wall, discussing and placing sticky notes. A woman with a microphone observes them.

“[Membership with Feed Ontario] allows us to have access to resources that many others don’t… We want to thank Feed Ontario for all they do to support us right here in Burlington, and all of our clients, because that’s who they truly care about… those who need help.”


Feed Change: Developing More Hunger Solutions

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In the summer of 2019, in partnership with the Fleming College Geographic Information Systems (GIS) program, Feed Ontario released an interactive hunger map that allows users to compare food bank use by provincial electoral riding across the province. The map examines data between January 1st – December 31st 2018, including visit frequency, mean and median income, and housing. Findings from this study included:

  • Hunger and food bank use exists in every provincial riding in Ontario
  • Someone visits a food bank in Ontario every 10 seconds
  • The ridings with the highest food bank use per capita were Ottawa-Vanier, Hamilton-Centre, and Thunder Bay-Atikokan
Map of Ontario, Canada showing food bank use per capita in varying shades of purple. Northern areas have higher usage rates. Map by the School of Environmental & Natural Resource Sciences.
A graphic with text discussing proposed changes to social assistance in Ontario and their potential impact.


Taking place every September, Hunger Action Month is an Ontario initiative, now run nationally in partnership with Food Banks Canada, which encourages people to work towards a future without hunger through four key actions: educate, advocate, volunteer, and donate. In 2019, we:

  • Educate: Created  customizable tools for food banks to share statistics on hunger and poverty in their communities, and promoted Food Banks Canada’s Impossible Choices
  • Advocate: Sent 15,000 postcards to MPPs opposing proposed changes to social assistance and demonstrating the impact that would have on food bank clients
  • Volunteer: Highlighted the stories of some of the incredible volunteers that make food banks possible
  • Donate: Raised $120,000 to help end hunger in Ontario

Sponsors: Chicken Farmers of Ontario Ontario Teachers Federation CGI OECTA


Feed Ontario’s annual 2019 Hunger Report found that, despite the province’s low unemployment rate, Ontario’s food banks continue to see increasingly high levels of use, and that there is an emerging trend in the number of individuals with employment income that require the support of a food bank to make ends meet. Key highlights of the report include:

  • 27% increase over the last three years in the proportion of adults with employment income accessing Ontario’s food banks
  • 88% increase in the proportion of food bank clients with a recent job loss
  • Only 28% of unemployed Ontarians are receiving support from Employment Insurance
A man stands with arms crossed, wearing a striped shirt, in front of industrial machinery in a workshop.
A photo of a woman looking inside a mostly empty food cupboard


In October 2019, Feed Ontario released a new report, The Cost of Poverty in Ontario, which examined the relationship between poverty, poor health, the justice system, and lost productivity and made the economic case that investing in people by reducing poverty is not only socially responsible, but financially sound. The report found:

Poverty related expenses is costing Ontario an estimated at $27.1 – $33 billion per year
The poverty rate for unattached adults and families without children increased by 24% between 2012-2015
The introduction of the Ontario Child Benefit resulted in a 24% reduction in child poverty and a 37% reduction in the number of children living in deep poverty between 2012-2015, making a strong case for investments in innovative solutions, like a basic income program, to address poverty in Ontario

"As a transportation company with locations across the province, we're proud to help Feed Ontario battle food insecurity. Our drivers and dispatchers are always happy to help using their skills and equipment when we haul food between donors and food banks."


Feeding the Future: Responding to COVID-19

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In the final weeks of our 2019-20 year, the Province of Ontario declared a state of emergency in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Feed Ontario took action through our new COVID-19 Emergency Food Box Program, developed in partnership with local food banks and Food Banks Canada, and made possible by generous contributions from the Government of Ontario, and many caring individuals and organizations.

The program created pre-packed emergency food boxes with a week’s worth of food in one centralized location for food banks across the province. This provided a single solution to help ensure that food banks remained well stocked while supporting labour shortages and physical distancing measures. The program goal was to create and distribute 450,000 emergency food boxes in 2020.

Operation Community Regeneration

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Over the next year we will focus on Operation Community Regeneration to help ensure Ontario’s food banks have the resources they need to continue to help our province recover from this pandemic and thrive. With the support of partners like you, together we will:

FeedON: Replenish

In partnership with the food industry, we will replenish food bank supplies by growing Feed Ontario’s existing fresh food donation programs; launching our new Full Shelves Program to provide food banks with more food staples and PPEs; and investing in new food production lines exclusively for Ontario’s food bank network. These programs will leverage our extensive distribution network to ensure food bank shelves in every corner of the province remain full.

Feed Possibility: Renew

Building on food banks’ agility, we will invest in resources to help renew communities and food banks, including developing best practices in partnership with Public Health, training courses, tools for physically distant food delivery, resources to transition to virtual operations where possible, and mental health supports.

Feed Change: Strengthen Resiliance

By working in partnership with government and communities, we will strengthen our collective resilience through data-driven, evidence-based solutions and policies that provide lasting support to our province’s most vulnerable and ensure that communities are prepared for the future.

"[I donated to Feed Ontario because] I struggle to make sure that I have enough food to eat. I don't want others to experience that."


Working together, each dollar goes further

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Thank you to all of the incredible people and organizations who give their time, products, services, and financial support to Feed Ontario. You make feeding Ontario possible!

For every dollar donated
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is spent on programs & services, including food, transportation, grants, training, and support

The equivalent of
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is provided to people in need

Sources of Revenue

A donut chart with one large blue section occupying most of the chart, and smaller sections in yellow, purple, and red.
Vertical infographic showing funding sources: Gift-In-Kind (88%), Donations & Grants (6%), National Partnerships (3%), Membership Dues & Events (2%), and Interest (0.1%).


A doughnut chart showing three segments: a large teal segment, a smaller red segment, and the smallest yellow segment.
Circular icons with a heart symbolize Food & Distribution (90%), Member Services (9%), and Administration (5%) in a vertical list.

This financial summary is taken from our 2019-20 Audited Financial Statements. You can view the full statements here.

Our partners in feeding change

Network of hunger fighters

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Carolyn Stewart
Executive Director

Ashley Quan
Manager, Marketing and Events

Adelaide Wimpenny
Coordinator, Member Relations and Programs

Shelly Koren
Coordinator, Development

Amanda King
Director, Communications and Research

Rachel Dixon
Manager, Corporate and Foundation Partnerships

Claire Ward-Beveridge
Coordinator, Office and Programs


Michael Maidment – Chair
CEO - The Ottawa Food Bank

Wesley Isaacs – Vice Chair
Partner, Tax & Business Law Group – Torkin Manes LLP

Jyoti Saggar – Treasurer
CPA, CA – Sr. Finance & Accounting Consultant

Ryan Noble - Secretary
Executive Director – North York Harvest

June Muir
President & CEO, Unemployed Help Centre/WEFBA

Nitin Jaitly
VP, Project Management Office – CIBC

Laura Wright
Senior Marketing Manager, Royal Bank of Canada

Peter Gould
Community Member

Peter Oram
Origination Supervisor Sollio Agriculture

JoAnne Sytsma
Food Bank Manager/Board Co-Chair – Brockville & Area Food Bank

Sheetal Jaitly
Founder & CEO – TribalScale

Neil Hetherington
CEO – Daily Bread Food Bank

Andre Chow-Leong
Vice President Merchandising – Loblaw Companies Limited

Wayne VanderWees
President, Freight Managers Inc. and Magnum Packaging Industries

Thank you for joining with us to feed Ontario and help build a healthier province!

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