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Father B., Doug, Mike & Cathy’s stories

septembre 12, 2017

A photo of two men and two women posing for the camera

The Food Bank has opened my eyes to the plight of the poor in our community. Some have physical disabilities, but others are working mostly part-time and just can’t keep ahead of the bills. The Food Bank provides an essential service for these people. – Father B.

I was looking for a volunteer position to keep me busy when I retired. It is a commitment to making sure we provide the best possible service to our clients. This has included looking for a new building, and ensuring all Board members were happy and active. I liked using my skills to update our intake process, being involved with advocacy for the clients who need our service, ensuring our volunteers are well informed, joining the OAFB and being involved with our recent upgrades. Being more visible in the community has helped us maintain a fantastic donor base that is required to keep us viable. All this is not possible without the support of the volunteers. It’s satisfying to see the interaction between our clients and our volunteers. – Doug

The food bank in Renfrew is an integral part of the community as is its local high school.

The food bank in Renfrew is as an integral part of the community as is its local high school. To me it was a natural fit for us to work together to ensure everyone could access the food some people in our community so badly needed. 16 years later I have continued to give back and support my passion for social justice and allow these two groups that I love so much to help each other and grow. – Mike

Initially I hoped to broaden my world, to help others within my own community who were struggling, not others that although in need, were half a world away. That was 1988. Today in 2017, I am still involved. I like that we have, over time, learned to treat our clients with much more dignity and respect. I like that I have met a different circle of people, now friends, who are volunteers with the food bank. I’m proud that our town is so supportive of our food bank, readily helping others in need. – Cathy

Submitted by the Renfrew & District Food Bank as a part of the 25 Years of Changing Lives Gallery.

Thanks to Hunger Action Month sponsor, Cargill Canada!

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