Your donation has already helped
adults, seniors, and children who turned to a food bank for support last year access nutritious and healthy food.
direct member food banks and over 1,100 affiliate food banks and hunger-relief organizations across Ontario.
pounds of food including shelf-stable pantry staples, and nutritious fresh and frozen foods like proteins, fruits, and vegetables.
Your generosity means food banks are there for those who need them

Your donation has helped provide over 10 million pounds of food to food banks across the province
Take a look at how your generosity, with the help of our partnerships in food manufacturing and the transportation industry ensures purchased and donated products move through our network seamlessly.
As the need continues to rise, right now every $1 you donate to Feed Ontario can provide the equivalent of 4 meals to someone in need.
Feed Change
Your support ensures we can continue to collect real-time data about food bank use and advocate for policies that address the root causes of poverty and food insecurity.
Feed Ontario’s annual Hunger Report, provides an analysis of what is driving food bank use and shares evidence-based solutions that we hope will reduce the need for food banks in Ontario.
No one should have to choose between paying rent or buying groceries. Your donation can help us continue to advocate for solutions to hunger and poverty.

Feed Possibility
Your generosity helps support and strengthen the resilience of more than 1,200 food banks and hunger-relief organizations in Ontario.
You’ve helped ensure food banks have adequate refrigeration space, provide food delivery options, and more though our Feeding Possibility! grant program that helps food banks increase their organizational capacity.
As food banks continue to be stretched beyond their capacity, your donation is ensuring food banks are open and accessible when they are needed most..

This is how we Feed Ontario, together.
Feed Ontario represents a network of more than 1,200 food banks and hunger-relief organizations across Ontario. Through our network, we deliver millions of pounds of food across Ontario, serving more than 1 million people each year. While we work to strengthen and grow the capacity of the provincial food bank network, to realize our vision of an Ontario where everyone is food secure, Feed Ontario continues to advocate for evidence-based programs and solutions to make ending hunger and poverty a priority in our province.
We can't do this without you. Thank you for joining us in our fight to end hunger and poverty in Ontario.

We FeedON by distributing millions of pounds of food through our network to serve over 1 million people facing hunger each year.

We Feed Possibility by working to grow the capacity of our network, to realize our vision of an Ontario where everyone is food secure.

We Feed Change by advocating for evidence-based programs and solutions to make ending hunger and poverty a priority in our province.