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Farm To Food Program

A first of its kind in Canada, the Farm to Food Program is a collaborative and innovative program aimed at rescuing surplus produce and transforming them into nutritious meals for those facing hunger all across Ontario


About the program

Developed in partnership with our member food bank in Windsor, the UHC - Hub of Opportunities (UHC), Farm to Food addresses issues of food waste and food insecurity, while also creating jobs and work experience for low-income individuals.

Through this program, surplus produce is rescued from local farms and made into healthy, nutritious meals in UHC’s state-of-the-art kitchen under the supervision of a Red Seal Chef. These meals are then shared with people facing hunger through food banks and hunger-relief agencies across Ontario.

By the numbers

yellow squiggly line

farm and food producer partnerships


0 lbs
yellow squiggly line

pounds of fresh food rescued and transformed into nutritious meals


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volunteers gained valuable job experience


“Our clients have been very happy with the soups! It allows us to provide additional healthy food options and also accommodates people with special dietary restrictions.”

Recipient food bank

Support this program

If you or your organization are interested in helping transform good, surplus produce into healthy meals, contact Austin Holmes (Manager, Corporate & Foundation Partnerships) at or (416) 656-4100 ext. 2937.

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