Together, we Feed Ontario

Feed Ontario is the province's largest collective of hunger-relief organizations. Together with food banks, industry partners, and local communities, we are relieving hunger in communities now, while driving change through research and advocacy to ensure a future where everyone is food secure.

Join us in our fight to end poverty in Ontario.

What’s new


Inadequate social assistance supports, a lack of quality jobs, and unaffordable housing are making it impossible for many Ontarians to afford their basic necessities.

To help illustrate the devastating choices that are facing individuals and families in our province, Feed Ontario has created an interactive digital experience that walks users through a month of decisions including navigating where to live and who they may have to live with, what type of transportation they will rely on, choosing which bills they can afford to pay each month, and what, if any, little pleasures may be in the budget.

Can you make it through the month and what will you have to sacrifice to get there?


How We Feed Ontario

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Feed Ontario represents a network of more than 1,200 food banks and hunger-relief organizations across Ontario. Through our network, we deliver millions of pounds of food across Ontario, serving more than 800,000 people each year. While we work to strengthen and grow the capacity of the provincial food bank network, to realize our vision of an Ontario where everyone is food secure, Feed Ontario continues to advocate for evidence-based programs and solutions to make ending hunger and poverty a priority in our province.

Learn more about our pillars:



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We are distributing food to food banks across Ontario.

Feed Ontario's food programs work in partnership with Ontario's agricultural, food, and grocery sectors to ensure food banks are stocked with the fresh, healthy food they need to support their communities. Last year, we distributed over 7 millions pounds of food to help 1,200 hunger-relief organizations provide food to more than 800,000 Ontarians.


Feed Change

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We are working to address the root causes of poverty.

Food insecurity and poverty are complex issues that can only be solved by good public policy and adequate support programs that ensure all Ontarians have the income they need to afford their basic necessities each month. We #FeedChange through research, collective action, and by advocating for evidence-based solutions that address food insecurity and poverty.


Feed Possibility

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We are providing food banks with resources.

Feed Ontario provides hunger-relief organizations with additional services including training, grant opportunities, and investment in innovative programs that assist Ontario’s most vulnerable populations. By working together, sharing resources and ideas, Feed Ontario’s province-wide network becomes stronger, more resilient and better equipped to serve the needs of those facing food insecurity.

You can help end hunger

Feed Ontario makes it easy to strengthen our provincial food system. With your support, we help food banks become more effective and help them reach the people who need them the most.

By taking action for Feed Ontario, you can apply pressure to ensure the government prioritizes making access to nutritious food a right for all Ontarians.

We've got a seat waiting for you!

Will you join us at the table to help Feed Ontario?